Yes. I know what I want in life.
Yes. The things I want in life are simple.
Many a times I tell myself, 'Go with the flow and just do it!' And now I am at the crossroad. It's the time to decide and make a move. Currently, I'm facing that typical situation of 'The Road Not Taken'; a poem by Robert Frost. There's two roads diverged in a yellow wood. Well, in my case there are at least FIVE roads diverging from where I am standing.
There are certain things in life whereby if you fail or you simply decided to do all over, it is fine. Well, this ain't that situation. It's not a matter of life and death, if you will; but it is a decision that will shape and mold MY future.
Yes. The future is exciting.
Yes. The future is overwhelming.
Yes. The future is scary. And being me, I am afraid and worry about the unknown.
Yes. I worry for no reason at times to the point I freak myself out. Call me a worrier if you wish to.
STRESS is a 'friend' of mine right now. And STRESS has this ability to pile up on me. Many things are happening to me. Some are pretty shitty and some are just there to destroy me. It's emotionally tiring and physically I am beginning to grow eye bags. Then there is this fella called TIME who's the best friend of STRESS, and its duty is to make the world spins faster before I could even get anything done!
Each day I remind myself that what ever decision I make, I'll have to give my all and make the best out of it to my best ability. With that, at least there's a guarantee that I won't regret not trying. After all, even God will not be able to help you if you don't help yourself.